At Custom Hydraulics and Design, we go beyond the typical offerings of traditional hydraulic hose centers. Our Danfoss Hose Centers, laden with a broad array of fluid conveyance components, are dedicated to delivering rapid, informed, and superior customer service.

Over the years, our proficient team has catered to an extensive range of industrial fluid and pneumatic operations, machinery, and projects, supplying dependable and high-quality fluid conveyance components.

Whether your project necessitates custom hose assemblies, power units, diagnostics, or kitting, Custom Hydraulics and Design harnesses its capabilities and expertise to effectively curtail downtime. We foster relationships that are anchored on quality connections and superior service, transcending mere component supply.

Come see us!

Charlotte, NC Location
3822 Statesville Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28206
P: +1 (704) 347-0023